Friday, January 23, 2009

Sneak Preview from Ravens in the Library

Time only slows down for dying and speeding down empty highways. Winding thoughts of should-have-been are the only clocks when tires hiss with asphalt. Wise drivers know not to get lost there. Legendary ones just enjoy the ride. No one owns that moment, no matter what the automobile salesmen might try to say. You can flow into it, trudge long within it, and sometimes find Enlightenment because of it, but changing it is never going to happen.

Premonitions and chrome, they only reflect the angles you wish to see. This is even true when there is no hope that you will find out if the visions were true. Memories on the other hand are living things. There is no question that a life was lived.

Being murdered makes so many things so clear...


- From "Mercury," by Elizabeth Jordan Leggett

Here's just a taste of the goodies gathered by our Ravens in the Library. As some of you may have seen, we signed Laurell K. Hamilton to this project yesterday, and she rounds out a roster of big names and new voices who've gathered their talents to help S.J. Tucker recover from her recent illness.

Elizabeth Jordan Leggett is one of those "new voice" contributors - a gifted author and artist whose work reveals just how rich 21st-century fantasy can be.

This story, and many others, appears only in Ravens in the Library. And although many Raven tales are reprints too, no other book contains the lineup of authors and artists you'll find within those pages.

Ravens in the Library goes to layout next week, and from there it goes to press in early February. I'll be posting more updates in this space as our release date nears. Come check 'em out, and please spread the word.


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